Du meinst Ertrag? Lass mich raten: Norddach, Norddeutschland. Dann ja
Ja genau Ertrag
Westdeutschland, NRW 46562, 8 kwp Südost fast Süd, 4,2 kwp Nordwest fast Nord
Hier auch nochmal die Daten von pvgis, ich hoffe das stimmt alles so
Südostseite mit 8 kWp
Database used:;PVGIS-SARAH2
Photovoltaik technology:;Crystalline silicon
Photovoltaik installed [kWp]:;8
System loss [%]:;14
Simulation outputs:;
Slope angle [°]:;45
Azimuth angle [°]:;-43
Yearly Photovoltaik energy production [kWh]:;7868.2
Yearly in-plane irradiation [kWh/m2]:;1227.95
Year-to-year variability [kWh]:;415.67
Changes in output due to:;
Angle of incidence [%]:;-3
Spectral effects [%]:;1.8
Temperature and low irradiance [%]:;-5.68
Total loss [%]:;-19.91
Photovoltaik electricity cost [per kWh]:;0.158
Nordwestseite mit 4,2 kWp
Database used:;PVGIS-SARAH2
Photovoltaik technology:;Crystalline silicon
Photovoltaik installed [kWp]:;4.2
System loss [%]:;14
Simulation outputs:;
Slope angle [°]:;45
Azimuth angle [°]:;137
Yearly Photovoltaik energy production [kWh]:;2339.44
Yearly in-plane irradiation [kWh/m2]:;734.48
Year-to-year variability [kWh]:;59.11
Changes in output due to:;
Angle of incidence [%]:;-5.36
Spectral effects [%]:;1.55
Temperature and low irradiance [%]:;-8.25
Total loss [%]:;-24.16
Photovoltaik electricity cost [per kWh]:;0.533